See a Good Move?
look for a Better One

Join our Cranbrook Club! A good game of chess, get chess training, enjoy weekly fellowship, grow friendships, and enjoy some refreshments.

Find Out More

Chess: The game for all ages and all levels.

Think about it... Pair two equally good players (whether brand new to the game, or grand masters) and they'll enjoy a genuine battle of the minds. But there is more...
Chess helps you to concentrate, and improves your logic. It teaches you to play by the rules and take responsibility for your actions. And it trains you how to solve problems in uncertain environmentents.
Gerry Kasparov, Chess Grandmaster and former World Chess Champion

Register with our Club today

About our Meetings


We meet Wednesday evenings 7-9PM

Hosted by

Our club meetings are welcomed in a (wheelchair accessible) classroom near Canadian Tire

Games and Training

Every meeting includes both games and training

Food and Fellowship

Meetings are enriched with some pizza and refreshments

Let's Get In Touch!

Don't be shy and Register Today! — Young or Old? Bad at chess, or a Grandmaster? Never played chess before? We welcome everybody who wants to grow in the game.
Interested? Send us an email or message us on Facebook.

[email protected]

The Club is facilitated by Hans Dekkers, and generously hosted by the Cranbrook Alliance Church, in a classroom with private access.

The Cranbrook BC Chess Club is kickstarted and sponsored by